1. It costs too much.
How much is good health worth to you? Yes, CrossFit Topeka is more expensive than other gyms in the area, but this is for a good reason. Every workout is supervised by a CrossFit Certified instructor who has both the training and experience to insure that your workout is safe and effective. Your trainer will teach, encourage, and push you to work to your highest capabilites. Our workouts are designed to produce maximum results, the kind of results usually only only offered to college and professional athletes.
2. I don’t have time to workout.
Yes you do. A proven characteristic of our training methods is incredible time efficiency. Our training sessions are scheduled for an hour to allow time for warming up, technique instruction, working out, skills practice, and cooling down. However, some of our clients that are unusually pressed for time are able to get their workouts done in 25-30 minutes without sacrificing the quality or intensity of their training.
3. I’m embarrassed—I’m really out of shape.
Don’t be. First of all, none of our clients arrive at a level of fitness that would be considered exceptional by our high standards: they all still had plenty of room for improvement. And that’s precisely the reason our clients train with us: to improve.
Second, our clients are part of a close community in which we encouragement and support of each other. Our best athletes routinely train alongside first-time clients. We are all on the same team and do all we can to help each other progress.
4. This isn’t for me. I’m not some kind of an athlete. I just want to look and feel good.
The majority of our clients aren’t athletes: they simply want the best possible results in the least possible time. We train all of our clients as if they were world-class athletes because this unequivocally produces superior results in all of us. Why train in a way that inherently limits your potential for success? Why restrict yourself to simply looking good when you can look better, feel better AND perform better?
5. It looks like you do a lot of squats. I’ve heard they’re bad for you.
In the immortal words of Coach Greg Glassman, How do you get off the toilet? Not only is the squat foundational to athleticism, but even more importantly, it’s foundational to functional independence. Squatting has developed a reputation of being unsafe because of the prevalence of atrocious form and severe inflexibility. Properly performed squats and related movements will fortify the knees, hips and back—not damage them—and help prevent injury in the future. Avoiding movements your body was designed to perform is the best way to ensure injury and your body’s failure to function properly for you. Our trainers spend a great deal of time teaching our clients proper form in all movements and constantly monitor performance to ensure safety and optimal benefits.
6. I don’t want to lift weights because I want to be flexible.
Despite reams of proof to the contrary, the notion that strength and muscle development and flexibility are mutually exclusive is still common, particularly amongst dancers and other individuals who require extensive degrees of flexibility.
With proper stretching and training, it’s remarkably easy to improve both strength and flexibility simultaneously; in fact, the two are often synergistic. We demand that movements be taken through the full and proper range of motion and that our members stretch regularly and appropriately.
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