Wednesday, October 28, 2009

091028 WOD

Snatch  5x5

Video on how to do a full snatch.

Rest 5 minutes

Bodyweight "Lynne"

5 rounds for max reps of:
Push Ups

Post reps for both exercises in all rounds.


  1. OK, so my memory isn't great, but I think I had:
    Rd 1: 26 Pull Ups and 10 Push Ups
    Rd 2: 22 Pull Ups and 8 Push Ups
    Rd 3: 16 Pull Ups and 4 Push Ups
    Rd 4: 20 Pull Ups and 4 Push Ups
    Rd 5: 20 Pull Ups and 3 Push Ups

  2. Wow! Great job on your pullups Jene!
    That's impressive!
