Tuesday, January 12, 2010

100112 WOD

Back Squats  10,5,5,5,5,5

Rest 5 Minutes

"Choose Your Poison"

Do either Push-Ups or Dips:

Do 1 rep the first minute
Do 2 reps the second minute
Do 3 reps the third minute
Do 4 reps the fourth minute
Cont.…Until you can’t finish the reps in a minute.

Post total number of rounds completed to comments and compare to 092109:

Warning: This workout starts out very easy and gets harder and harder.


  1. Amy

    Back Squat 10x33,5x53,53,63,63lbs

    Poison (Bench Dips) 18+11

  2. Anthony

    10x33, 5x53,63,68,73,73

    Poison- Pushups 10+5

  3. Emily

    Back Squat 10x33, 5x53, 5x73, 5x83, 5x93, 5x103

    Poison- Knee Pushups 11 + 8
