Friday, December 4, 2009

091204 WOD

Deadlifts  5x1

Rest 5 Minutes

The "20"

Do one minute of each exercise (at each station) and then move immediately to the next for a total of 20 minutes. .

1. 10 ft Bear crawl
2. 10 ft Crab walk
3. Jumping Jacks
4. Push-ups
5. Situps
6. Grass Pullers
7. Air Squats
8. Mountain Climbers
9. Crunches
10. High Knee Running
11. Scissor Legs
12. Jump and Reach
13. Front Bridge
14. Leg Lifts (6 inches)
15. Squat Jumps
16. Ankle Flips
17. Star Jumps
18. Side Bends
19. 10 ft Duck Walk
20. Square jumps
Post total reps for each exercise to comments.