Wednesday, December 30, 2009

091230 WOD

CrossFit Centurion gives us today's WOD.

Pistol Squats  20

Rest 5 Minutes

3 Rounds of:
Push Ups (3 minutes)
Pull Ups (2 minutes)
Squats (1 minute)

Post Totals for each exercise and each round.


  1. Today I did "Grace"

    30 Reps overhead for time -
    Snatch X 30 = 9:59

    Awesome for a 1st day back workout!

    Thanx Roger!!

  2. nice work Derek!
    i think they call it "isabel" if you do all 30 reps as snatch vs the clean and jerk used during "grace"

  3. WOD
    push ups 48, 42, 37
    pull ups 28, 26, 23
    squats 22, 21, 23
