Saturday, March 13, 2010

Spring Break Workouts!

How creative are you?  Because it is your turn to make up workouts for yourselves.  You get to decide how challenging they are, what exercises you do,  and whether you want to workout by yourself or get a group together to workout.  

Make it fun.  Some of most memoriable workouts have been in parks while we have been traveling.  I just use whatever equipment they have and go for it doing: Burpees,Pushups, Situps, Running, Jumping Jacks, Pullups, Step ups, etc.   There are really no limits.

The only rule is that I want you to share your workouts with everyone, so please post them to comments. I'll be doing the same thing.


  1. 3/14/10 @ 11 am

    1.2 mile walk
    2.4 mile run 22 minutes
    100 situps

    2.4 mile walk
    2.4 mile run 19:12
    100 situps

  2. Jerell

    15 kettlebell swings on the minute for 10 min
    I used a 45# kbell dumbells work just fine or so do air squats

  3. David

    easy 3.6 mile run 31:47
    2.4 mile walk
    10 pushups every 30 seconds for 5 minutes 100 reps total.

  4. Jerell

    Muscle up skill work

    Wod thanks to Crossfit Lees Summit:
    3 rounds for time
    3 front squats 75% 1rm
    10 wall balls
    10 knees to elbows

  5. David

    5.5 mile walk


    Off Day

  6. David & Emily 3/17

    3.5 mile run
    1.2 mile walk
    50 situps

    This afternoon pushups on the minute until failure....

  7. Jerell

    WOD: 21-15-9

    American Kettle bell swings

    Push Press @ 45%
    for time

    (4:07 my time)

    followed by deadlifts 3x3 @ 75% (275 easy)
    thanks to crossfitls
